Tag: Best Practice

In today’s rapidly evolving AI landscape, one challenge many of our clients encounter revolves around navigating the complexities of AI pricing models. These models are pivotal for two main reasons: they ensure the cost of the service is covered, and perhaps more crucially, they play a significant role in driving customer purchases. Generally, the most prevalent […]
Prevent data source changes from breaking your Power BI model! This technique allows your data models to refresh while giving you time to address the change
I recently participated in SharePoint Saturday – Charlotte where I talked to many people about Power BI and how it could fit in, within their own organization. I heard the refrain, “No one really owns BI in our organization.” many times along the way. I found this concerning. Many organizations have product owners but not […]
In part 1, we outlined the problems that many customers encounter managing operational work in Project. We need to capture this information for higher fidelity resource capacity. However, previous methods required more work on the part of Resource Managers than desired. In this article, you’ll see how to set up an operational project plan template […]
If you’ve ever been asked for information to support work you are doing or perhaps, to keep people informed of your efforts, you may have struggled with the process to define and deliver the information needed. If you identify with this issue, this post will cover three key questions you should answer to help set […]