Category: Cortana
This article was originally published on our CIO Magazine blog, the Effective Enterprise. After seeing recent industry presentations on bots, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), I see the application of these technologies changing the practice of project management. The question is, is this future desirable or will we have a choice? The project manager role […]
We’ve been hard at work, pursuing that dream that we should be able to ask our computers questions and get reasonable answers quickly. This post shows some of our recent work, integrating Microsoft Project Online with Power BI and Cortana to create a seamless experience across the products. The video demonstrates this integration, using a […]
[fusion_text] My Star Trek moment has finally arrived! Growing up, it always seemed like a pipe dream to be able to ask questions of the computer and have her answer. Microsoft has got us the closest to this dream with Cortana and Power BI Integration. You can now summon answers from your Power BI dashboards, […]