Category: Project Online
This article was originally published on our CIO Magazine blog, the Effective Enterprise. After seeing recent industry presentations on bots, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), I see the application of these technologies changing the practice of project management. The question is, is this future desirable or will we have a choice? The project manager role […]
This post shows you how to use the date hierarchy and the grouping function to easily group your data by year, month, week in Power BI. This can be very handy when reporting against data that is time phased, such as sales transactions or Project Online schedule and capacity data. If you need to start […]
In part 1, we outlined the problems that many customers encounter managing operational work in Project. We need to capture this information for higher fidelity resource capacity. However, previous methods required more work on the part of Resource Managers than desired. In this article, you’ll see how to set up an operational project plan template […]
Many organizations struggle to manage resource capacity. If they are following the OPRA Resource Capacity model, the need to track recurring operations work immediately becomes necessary. This article is based on real world experiences while managing large Project Implementations. Current tracking methods will be examined and some suggested approaches will be presented. The old way […]
What we typically do today. This post is about what can be gained from making one simple change in your Resource Custom Field configuration. Many companies have an FTE Yes/No type resource custom field to distinquish between employees and contractors. This has been the approach for many years, as I see this many times in […]

This post addresses a need to arises when querying Project Online data via OData. It can also serve as a solution template for other data sources. Synopsis A number of projects in our portfolio have impacts in different countries. These countries are designated via a Country Project level multi-value (MV) custom field. When multiple values […]
This is so cool! I just received an alert about a data condition in Project Online from Microsoft Flow. The best thing is that this condition isn’t anything Microsoft provides out of the box. With the functionality now in Flow and Power BI, we can now construct our own using Power BI and Flow. With recent […]
The Tumble Road Project News App has been updated to coincide with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. This app allows you to easily keep up with all Project related updates. Click here to get it from the Windows App Store.
When companies begin making their data more accessible via Self-Serve Power BI, they soon reach a critical break point in those efforts. The Project dashboards tell them something that isn’t pleasant or doesn’t match the narrative been publicized. The Reality in Your Project Dashboards Performance indicators go red. The data shows the stellar progress that […]
We’ve been hard at work, pursuing that dream that we should be able to ask our computers questions and get reasonable answers quickly. This post shows some of our recent work, integrating Microsoft Project Online with Power BI and Cortana to create a seamless experience across the products. The video demonstrates this integration, using a […]